Chi-Town, We love you! Part I

[this is the picture of one tired, happy bus rider after a long trip]

Over Labor Day weekend, a few of my most favorite girlfriends and I took a trip out to Chicago to spend a fabulous weekend together. 
While there, we decided to play tourist and bought city & bus passes to make our way around town.

On the first day of our expedition, we grab some wonderful Mexican food at a little local place and then made our way around the Lincoln Park Zoo.
This little restaurant's name was Su Casa and their jalapeño poppers were absolutely legit.

The layout of the zoo itself was awesome, the landscape was gorgeous, it had a beautiful view of the Chicago skyline and the best part of it all is that it was absolutely free!
My personal favorite feature of the zoo were the monkeys because, well, monkeys are just great.

I also discovered along the way that I am in fact about as tall as a Polar Bear, which is frankly a little exciting and frightening all at once. 

After our animal excursion, we decided to to go back to our hotel and get ready to stuff our faces with some wonderful Chicago worthy deep dish pizza. 
And Chicago never disappoints, Gino's we love you and your wonderfulness.

 After eating to the point of explosion,
We headed out to the John Hancock to experience a cool view of the city.
I don't know about you, but I love seeing a city at night all lit up.

(I think Cookie & Brittany preferred the fake backdrop to getting near the edge. 
Heights aren't really their thing.)

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