Dear Daddy,

Seeing you walk that stage brought me to tears.
I know how long you've worked for this and how much time and energy went into completing your degree. I know there were times where it wasn't easy for you and there were classes you had to really perservere through, but you kept pressing on and now proudly sport a Master degree status. For years you have pushed Ash and I to always work our hardest and really strive toward those goals we dream of achieving. You've always believed in us and have always done everything in your power to help us constantly grow and excel. 
One of the things I've always loved is those simple phone calls telling me how much you love me and you've never hung up without saying "Hey, I'm proud of you."
And now, Dad, I get a chance to say I'm so very proud of you. I'm proud that you stuck through and I'm so very proud of what you accomplished.
Daddy, you're incredible and I'm so very glad to be called your daughter.
I love you!

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