Sometimes I just wish I was a boy.

Dear Curse of Womanhood, Why must you taunt me with your unrelenting pain? Oh, if only I were a boy...but then again, if I were a boy this could make D and I's relationship a tad bit awkward.
Dear Couch, I plan to spend a good portion of my morning with you, watching horribly awful chick flicks why I am errr recoverying. Thank you for your comfort in this difficult time.
Dear Tank, Thank you for keeping me company this morning. It's sweet that you are quietly laying next to me because you know I don't feel well.
Dear Demi Levato, I am watching you right now on Good Morning America and all I can think is "Oh Hunny, what are you wearing?!" 
Your boobs are currently covered in are your shoulders...The rest of your shirt is see through, and you are wearing a metal collar. YIKES! On the plus side, you will not be jumped walking around in Central Park, that is unless someone is looking to lose a hand. 
Dear Weather, Please be gently on Ohio. I see you want to bring more storms our way this weekend but I would really appreciate it if you would spare us our power and our internet. I think if you take everyone's power away again Columbus may rise up and riot against AEP, this could get very messy. 
Keep peace in Columbus!
Dear Cleaning, I've been trying to avoid you for quite a while now, however, I feel it is now completely inevitable that we must connect. I feel there is no other choice but to face you head on.
Dear Readers, Sorry for the TMI today, but thanks for stopping by-- You all are awesome and I appreciate every single one of you!


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  1. Anonymous7/06/2012

    Stupid Eve with her stupid feel better!

  2. HAHA I love the comment above me..thanks Eve. I hope you start feeling better soon. I like Demi Lovato's thoughts..Central Park can be a scary place

    1. Thanks! That Demi Lovato, she's a smart one.

  3. When you said, "dear cleaning" I thought you said, "dear Channing" as in Channing Tatumn... and you were trying to avoid him. I was very sad for you, you should never avoid looking at him, listening to him act? sure. but looking? never.

    Feel better, oh man.... "oh man" if you were man. right?

    1. Oh I would never avoid Channing, that would just be sacrilegious {minus the acting, it's just bad.}.

  4. The song, If I was a boy just came into my head! PS, I love the color of your hair! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

    1. Haha that's exactly what I was thinking about when I wrote that!

  5. Your list made me smile! I am feeling your pain. Sometimes Chick Flicks and some quality time with the couch can dull the pain a bit. Hang in there!

    1. Thanks! It did in fact made me better.

  6. haha, these letters were great (and everyone's comments for that matter). I think of the whole boy thing too but I just don't know how I could take the flappin' back and forth down there, ya know? =/

    I hope the girly movies and couch cure you right quick..or at least give you some comfort.
    came from the linkup! :)
    Emily at Amazing Grapes

    1. haha that is the one down fall about being a boy. I guess my life only really suffers one week out of the month...and child birth....I won't even go there.

  7. I wish i was a boy too! well, only for four days each month. Much too often.


    have a good one!

  8. Anonymous7/07/2012

    The feeling is mutual! Who wouldn't want to be a boy? They aren't forced to have a visit from...Aunt Flow?...every month, don't have to push a watermelon out of their body and definitely aren't expected to work extra hard to look pretty on date nights. UNFAIR!

  9. Anonymous7/07/2012

    I hope you feel better soon! And I've been connecting with cleaning, too, unfortunately hahaha


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