Day 20-21 *The Plant Killer*


These pictures were meant to be put up yesterday, but seeing as the internet and myself have this ongoing love/hate type relationship, it just didn't happen.
I'm actually quite proud of myself yesterday because I stepped outside of my comfort zone and paired a long shirt over a dress.
I can't take complete credit though to being overly creative because I actually put them together thanks to a lack of doing laundry; 
my selections were slightly limited. 
The hardest thing I've discovered about the 30 for 30 is the fact that one actually has to stay on top of doing one's laundry or else one runs out of clothing options very, very fast.

Do you like how Tank is walking the runway- He's been watching a little too much ANTM with me :)
Oh and check out the band-aide, I keep cutting myself shaving and every time it's in the same place!
Today's ensemble was a new favorite of mine-
I love the idea of pairing leggings under my shorts!

I also wanted to share some very sad news with you all.
My little plants all past away-
I guess it was a combo between the vast lack of sunshine and over watering,
But well, you live and learn 
& in my case, try try again!
Here goes my attempt at a green thumb once again!

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  1. Haha I love your comment about having to keep up with the laundry! Sorry to hear about your plants, I have a pretty hopeless green thumb.

  2. haha. love your pups!


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