I Love You.

To My Best Friend:
It’s crazy to think a year has already gone by-
I guess it’s kind of corny but true when they say Time Flies When You’re Having Fun.

Thank you so much for making me so much better of a person,
For loving me in spite of my flaws & BECAUSE of my flaws-
For being my shoulder to cry on,
My hand to hold.
Thank you for sharing my dreams & aspirations,
For believing in me beyond all means.
For never giving up when things get frustrating or complicated,
For loving unconditionally.

I love that we can find joy together in the simplest things,
That life is one big adventure for us to partake upon.
That we can always see the good in the bad,
And we have each other to lean upon when times get tough.
I adore our silliness & goofiness,
The way we so easily just GET each other.
I love that we fit together so well though our puzzle pieces look so different.

Thank you for your heart & your compassion,
And that you love God before all else.
Thank you for your wisdom & guidance,
And the happiness you bring into my life.

I am the luckiest and I can’t wait to see what will come next.
I’m excited for our continuous growth,
The life lessons we have yet to learn,
The things we will keep discovering,
The goals we will achieve,
The unknown that lies ahead,
The things we will conquer and defeat.

& most importantly, I’m so thankful we get to take this journey together.

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