Business in the Front, Party in the Back

Shirt.Skirt.Shoes - Target // Jewelry - Thrifted // Sunglasses - TJ Maxx

This outfit is my new awesome find; everything was bought super cheap and on clearance. Seriously, I probably spent less than $20 for this entire outfit.
[Oh thrift stores and Target, I heart thee]
Plus, this skirt is incredible! I've been super hesitant of joining the mullet skirt bandwagon, but after I found this beaut for $12 and saw that it's flowy, pleated, super soft, and a pretty shade of pink, how could I not jump full on into this trend?
My thoughts exactly. 
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This weekend was a busy one and I'm trying to recover from it this morning.
Not easy, but my little caffeine kick sure helps to make it a little better.
[oh addictions, please be kind]
Here's to a busy day full of lots of things to check of my list.

Enjoy your Monday, Friends!

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  1. What cute/fun pics! Now I want a coffee! Have a great rest of your week!

  2. i dig it, 20 bucks? i totally dig it even more.

  3. Anonymous8/20/2012

    I have to admit, I'm also a little hesitant about the mullet skirts (what a great name : ) but you look amazing in it! What thrift store is your favorite?


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