Pretty Days

Today I spent time with the pups. 
We hiked the trails behind my house & simply enjoyed this beautiful day.
We don't get a lot of days like this during this time of the year & it is glorious.
 {especially since we were suppose to have raging winter storms starting yesterday with 1-3 inches of snow on the ground-- this doesn't look like 1-3 inches of snow to me, just saying}

She's usually a lot cuter looking than this, she just doesn't know the meaning of "space" when it comes to taking pictures.

Much better.

I'm just glad I wore my awesome rain-boots today; my usual trails were more like small ponds.

Trail / Small Pond

I love this special place- a lot of people don't come back here often and I'm glad.
It's nice sometimes to have time away from people and things-- to enjoy nature in it's most simplest form.
Plus, I love these graffiti walls- aren't they rad?

Please if you get a moment, enjoy this gorgeous day!

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  1. Heidi! Where do you get doggy backpacks?! They're so cute :)

  2. Thanks! These particular ones we found online, but you can get them at most pet stores or outdoor type stores. They are so great to use too. We take the pups with us when we go backpacking and they carry their own food and water. When we're home- it's great for when we don't have time for long walks/the extra weight wears them out quicker.


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