Sleepless Nights & Pumpkin Delights


What an exhausting day,
I feel like I'm going on little steam.
Works been in transition this week,
Lots of little changes here & there,
And I'm also going today on little sleep thanks to insomnia at 430 AM this morning and a dream about college students trying to rob a shopping center I was at during the dream.
[I think that dream is partially due to delicious pumpkin chai for dinner & strong thought provoking things right before bed time]
What a night.
Thank goodness for D's sweet spirit & his special surprise of one delicious pumpkin spice latte delivered to my work.
Thank goodness our family is having a little downtime full of leftovers and watching a show about collecting various types of oddities.
For instance, I never realized people use to keep gallstones.
{I have a feeling things are just going to keep getting weirder...and I like it}
Speaking of weird, I'm also thinking a lot about Portland & my desire to go back out West.
Oh, how I would just love sometimes to pack everything up and just travel the world. day!
I hope tonight's sleep schedule proves itself a little more eventful.

Night my dears!

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