Day 29 *Awesome & Awkward Thursday*


Before I begin my little rants for the week, I just want to say how much I appreciate my darling little husband. Seriously guys, this man does so much for me. D has been gone all this week at a conference for work & I've been alone with my pups and MAN, it's been tough. Working on little hours of sleep to make sure the pups are looked after, fed, played with, and exercised is a lot to take on-- D has always gone above and beyond to be the best puppy father. He walks them for me every morning so that I don't have to stress about it before work; a lot of the time he'll even walk them for me in the evening so I can have the freedom to cook dinner and have a little down time after a long, hard day. He's such a good guy and I realized how much I don't truly appreciate all he does to make sure I can get the sleep and sanity I need to make it through a week. I'm so lucky and it makes me miss him so freaking  much.

Working at a coffee shop that has NO espresso- True Story, Madness I say.
Scraped knees- They just make shorts wearing so less attractive.
Columbus Traffic- Seriously? Do you really need to pull out if front of me even though NO ONE IS BEHIND ME?
Back Sweat- there's just something unfeminine about wet, sticky back sweat.
Dogs wanting to play at 11:30PM while you are trying to sleep because you have to be up at 4AM the next morning- Not pleasant at all.

Girl's Night- I don't know about you, but I love girl's nights! They are some of my favorite times with some of my favorite people!
Unsweetened Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks- It really is that good. I've been obsessed all week.
Going to a sporting event and having the team you're cheering for win! {Makes me feel like their little good luck charm}
The Warrior Dash- Guys, this was an absolute blast!
I'm 1 day away from completing my 30 for 30! Yay! :)
D. is coming home today-- I am such a happy, little girl! I've missed him so much!

I'm off to clean my little home to make my husband a happy man!

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